Following up measures to strong up its footprints amongst the young voters in the run up for the Lok Sabha Elections drawing near, the Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha Party (BJYM) in the state of Tripura will join the nationwide ‘Navmatdata Conference’ in all the 60 Assembly Constituencies of the State in the month of January.
Addressing a press conference at the party office on Wednesday the BJYM State President Sushanta Deb said that the initiative aligns with the vision set forth by Hon’ble Prime Minister of our Country, Sh. Narendra Modi with a commitment to engaging and registering new voters as ‘Nav Matdata’.
He further said that to strengthen the party’s presence, especially among the youths and deepen its connection with vibrant democracy, BJP National President JP Nadda launched the Digital registration portal for registration of fresh voters on 13th of January, 2024. From Booth Adhyaksh to the party’s state president all the leaders of the party and the Karyakartas are working diligently to sensitize Nav Matdata initiative and facilitate their registration on the portal, Sushanta Deb told to reporters.
He also said and informed that the Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha will also conduct educational exhibitions at the Nav Matdata Conference portraying the Developmental works done by the Prime Minister-led Government during his work tenure.
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