Realme has announced the launch of its highly anticipated 13 Pro Series 5G, along with the realme Watch S2 and realme Buds T310. The new realme 13 Pro Series 5G, featuring the realme 13 Pro+ 5G and realme 13 Pro 5G, showcases cutting-edge AI photography with its HYPERIMAGE+ camera system and unique Monet-inspired design, developed in collaboration with the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA).
The realme 13 Pro+ 5G, available in Monet Gold and Emerald Green, comes in three storage options: 8GB+256GB for INR 29,999, 12GB+256GB for INR 31,999, and 12GB+512GB for INR 33,999. The realme 13 Pro 5G, available in Monet Gold, Monet Purple, and Emerald Green, is priced at INR 23,999 for 8GB+128GB, INR 25,999 for 8GB+256GB, and INR 28,999 for 12GB+512GB.
The realme Watch S2 features a 1.43″ AMOLED display, Super AI Engine, and Smart Dial Engine, priced starting at INR 4,499. The realme Buds T310 offers 46dB Hybrid Noise Cancellation and a 12.4mm Dynamic Bass Driver for INR 2,199.The early bird sale for the 13 Pro Series 5G begins on July 30, 2024, with pre-booking starting on July 31. The Watch S2 and Buds T310 will be available from August 5. A 30-day free replacement guarantee through realme Care is available for purchases made before August 12.In the Agartala market, realme enthusiasts can look forward to these exciting new releases, with pre-booking and purchase options expected to be highly sought after.
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