Tripura Chief Minister Prof. Dr. Manik Saha took a firm stance on Friday, condemning opposition political parties for their exploitation of minority communities for electoral gains, citing their economic marginalization.
During a Padayatra in Rajnagar under the 7-Ramnagar Constituency, the Chief Minister underscored the community’s awareness of BJP candidate Dipak Majumder’s dedication to serving the people.
“He has tirelessly served the community, garnering trust and respect. The BJP workers hold him in high esteem, evident in his nomination submission. Dipak Majumder will carry forward the legacy of Surajit Datta, whose unfortunate demise created a void. During my recent visit, the substantial support from the minority community members for him was evident. Today, we visited minority households to seek blessings, representing PM Modi’s commitment to all sections of society,” Dr. Saha remarked.
Expressing confidence in BJP’s electoral prospects, Dr. Saha affirmed the readiness of voters in the West Parliamentary seat and 7-Ramnagar Assembly Constituency to endorse BJP candidates.
“Opposition parties lack substance, spending more time in Congress or CPIM offices than addressing pertinent issues. They fail to engage in meaningful campaigns, unlike BJP, which focuses on development initiatives. Under PM Modi’s leadership, minorities have witnessed unprecedented progress. We vow to continue our commitment to the socio-economic upliftment of all communities through various schemes,” he asserted.
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