The people of Jharkhand have emerged as national leaders in adopting energy-efficient lighting solutions, surpassing dominant states like Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Delhi. According to data from, the innovative e-marketplace launched by Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), a joint venture of PSUs under the Ministry of Power, Jharkhand’s consumers have outperformed other states by embracing the 5-star 6-watt bulbs through, showcasing a strong commitment to sustainable energy practices.
The 5-star, 6-watt bulb available on consumes only 6 watts of power, which is comparable to the energy usage of a night lamp, yet provides light output equivalent to that of a 9 to 10-watt LED bulb. As per data from, Tripura citizens secured the second spot in adopting the energy-efficient 6-watt bulb, with Maharashtra closely following in third place.
Speaking on the achievement, Shri Vishal Kapoor, CEO of EESL, said: “The growing uptake of energy-efficient products is a testament to the increasing awareness of sustainable solutions among citizens.” As India embraces energy efficiency, the success of initiatives like in promoting energy-efficient solutions will be crucial for shaping a greener future.
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