The Border Security Force (BSF) in Tripura seized contraband items valued at over ₹8 lakh during multiple anti-smuggling operations along the Indo-Bangladesh border on January 26, 2025. Among the seized items were Ganja, Phensedyl, and other contraband worth ₹8,65,219. The BSF also rescued cattle during the operations, which have been handed over to local authorities for further investigation.
The crackdown comes as part of intensified efforts to curb smuggling in the region. A day earlier, on January 25, vigilant BSF personnel intercepted several smuggling attempts, confiscating contraband worth ₹1,05,606 and recovering Indian currency amounting to ₹19,99,000.
The BSF has reaffirmed its commitment to maintaining border security and preventing illegal activities. Authorities are continuing their investigation into the smuggling networks operating along the border.
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