Seagram’s Royal Stag BoomBox returns for its third edition, expanding its footprint in India’s rapidly evolving entertainment sector. The festival, which blends Bollywood’s iconic melodies with contemporary hip-hop beats, features a stellar lineup including Armaan Malik, Amit Trivedi, Neeti Mohan, Raftaar, Ikka, and DJ Yogii. With its innovative fusion of live music, AR/VR technology, and gaming, the festival is poised to set new trends in the experiential entertainment market.
Agartala, the capital of Tripura, presents a significant growth opportunity for the Royal Stag BoomBox brand. As the city experiences an uptick in disposable income and a youthful demographic eager for diverse cultural experiences, the festival’s integration of music, technology, and gaming will resonate strongly. With increasing internet penetration and digital engagement in the region, Agartala’s audience is expected to actively engage with the festival’s digital offerings, boosting its market reach.
The festival’s past success, with over 1 lakh attendees and 200 million views across digital platforms, underscores its potential for growth in emerging markets. As Royal Stag BoomBox continues to innovate, it is well-positioned to capture a larger share of India’s youth-driven entertainment sector, aligning with the growing demand for immersive and multifaceted cultural experiences.
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