To strengthen its presence in the Northeast, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Tripura is set to inaugurate a new state office in Agartala. Union Home Minister Amit Shah will lay the foundation stone and attend the Bhoomi Pujan ceremony for the new office on December 22 at Natun Nagar.
Shah, who is scheduled to arrive in Agartala on December 21 for the 72nd Plenary Session of the North Eastern Council (NEC), will be accompanied by Tripura Chief Minister Prof. Dr. Manik Saha, BJP state President Rajib Bhattacharya, and other prominent leaders.
Social Welfare and Social Education Minister Tinku Roy, after inspecting the preparations, revealed that the new office will be constructed on approximately 1.20 acres of land. He emphasized that the current office was too small to accommodate meetings and other party activities.“We decided to relocate to this larger space, which will enhance our capacity to work for the welfare of the people and drive developmental decisions,” Roy said.
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