Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, in collaboration with the Association of Physicians of India (API), launched the “Take Charge @ 18” campaign at the iconic Gateway of India. This initiative, which designates the 18th of every month as “National BP Screening Day,” aims to raise awareness about the necessity of early blood pressure monitoring, starting from the age of 18.
The campaign kicked off with a visually striking 3D video projection that highlighted the importance of monitoring blood pressure, reaching over 100,000 healthcare professionals through a live stream. Glenmark is determined to educate 10 crore Indians on hypertension, a condition increasingly affecting young adults, with alarming statistics showing a prevalence of 35.5% among individuals over 20.
In Agartala, the campaign’s message is particularly relevant as local markets have seen a rise in health-related inquiries. Residents are encouraged to prioritize regular blood pressure checks, reflecting a growing awareness of health management. Glenmark’s initiative has included over 50 youth-focused awareness programs and 900 hypertension rallies across India, aiming to reduce hypertension rates significantly by 2025. Mr. Alok Malik, President of Glenmark India, emphasized the campaign’s goal to empower young adults with knowledge about blood pressure management, stating, “If such habits are formed early, they can greatly assist in preventing future health issues.”
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