In the wake of recent unrest in Tripura’s Dhalai District, a four-member BJP delegation led by Social Welfare and Social Education Minister Tinku Roy held a peace meeting at Gandatwisa under the direction of Chief Minister Prof. Dr. Manik Saha. The team assured swift financial assistance to the victims of the violence. On the night of July 12, a protest led to the tragic death of a youth and the destruction of several houses and shops by fire. The situation has since been brought under control. Minister Tinku Roy, accompanied by former MP Rebati Tripura, BJP Vice President Subal Bhowmik, and MLA Rampada Jamatia, visited the affected area three days after the incident. They faced a hostile reception from victims who have been living in relief camps.
Speaking to reporters, Minister Roy emphasized the government’s commitment to restoring peace and normalcy. “The state government has taken necessary steps to restore peace and provide all kinds of assistance, including speedy financial help to the victims. Everyone should remain calm, be patient, and cooperate with the administration,” he stated. Roy noted that victims expressed anger upon the delegation’s arrival due to their prolonged stay in relief camps. He conveyed the Chief Minister’s directive to engage with those who lost their homes and businesses and assured them of government support.
“Chief Minister Prof. Dr. Manik Saha sent us to speak with the affected people. While we cannot replace what they have lost, we have assured them of comprehensive support to rebuild their lives. The Revenue Department is assessing the damages,” Roy said.During the meeting, Roy instructed the administration to disburse financial aid within two days, beginning with 25% of the total assistance. He also requested security measures to allow the reopening of the market. “We held the peace meeting to ensure peaceful coexistence. We listened to each individual and assured them that all necessary steps will be taken,” Roy added.
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