In the wake of the devastating bus accident in Dima Hasao that claimed lives and caused injuries, the Tripura Students Federation (TSF), a constituent of the North East Students Organization (NESO), is championing the cause of the victims and their families. The TSF has issued a fervent plea for the conduct of a special exam and the provision of employment opportunities to alleviate the plight of those affected by the tragedy.On May 2nd of the previous year, a bus en route from Agartala to Guwahati met with a tragic accident near Dittokcherra in Dima Hasao, leaving one person dead and six others grievously injured. Among the victims was Dibraj Debbarma from Tripura’s Dhalai District, who was slated to take the Tripura State Cooperative Bank (TSCB) exam.
In response to this calamity, TSF Vice President John Debbarma submitted a memorandum to the Managing Director of the Tripura State Cooperative Bank, highlighting the dire circumstances faced by the aspirant candidates traveling for the TSCB competitive exams. The memorandum underscored the necessity for a special exam to be conducted in Tripura for the victims of the accident, recognizing that their hospitalization in Assam rendered them unable to appear for the scheduled exam. This gesture, TSF emphasized, would ensure fairness and equal opportunities for all aspirants affected by the unforeseen tragedy.
Furthermore, TSF urged the Managing Director to extend compensation to the victims and their families, along with offering employment opportunities to the members of the deceased’s family. Such compassionate measures, the TSF argued, would aid in the recovery process, addressing the physical, emotional, and financial toll inflicted by the accident.
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