Tripura faces another instance of illegal infiltration as five individuals, including two minors of Rohingya origin, were detained at Piturbazar Motor Stand in Kailashahar, Unakoti District, on Tuesday. The apprehension comes just a day after the Border Security Force (BSF) highlighted illegal infiltration as a significant challenge in the state. Kanta Jangir, Superintendent of Police for Unakoti District, confirmed the detention, stating, “We have detained five Rohingyas. Interrogation is underway to ascertain their mode of entry into the state and their intentions.
We are committed to apprehending the facilitator who aided their entry into Tripura. Among the detainees are two adult males, two adult females, and one child.” Sources suggest that the group crossed the barbed wire border between India and Bangladesh in the Maguruli area, aiming to reach Hyderabad. Acting on a tip-off, the Kailashahar police station swiftly responded, resulting in the arrest of the individuals, who were subsequently transferred to the police station for further investigation.
The incident underscores the ongoing challenges posed by illegal infiltration along the India-Bangladesh border and highlights the vigilance of law enforcement agencies in curbing such activities. Authorities remain committed to thoroughly investigating the matter and ensuring the enforcement of relevant laws to maintain the integrity of the border and national security.
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