In response to the urgent summons from the Centre amid his call for a constitutional solution, former Chairman of Tipra Motha, Pradyot Kishore Manikya Debbarma, has embarked on a journey to Delhi on Sunday afternoon. Sources within the Tipra Motha party, speaking exclusively to India Today NE, have revealed that clarity on the next steps will be provided by Tuesday, following the anticipated discussions. “Pradyot Maharaj departed for Delhi this afternoon following a summon from the Union Ministry of Home. A meeting is expected to take place either today or tomorrow to address our demand for a Constitutional Solution for the indigenous populace.
However, the final decision stemming from the meeting is likely to be communicated by Tuesday,” a reliable source disclosed.Simultaneously, this afternoon witnessed the President of the party, Bijoy Kumar Hrangkhawl, convening a crucial gathering with Tipra Motha leaders statewide, expressing discontentment with the stance of the Central government.”In a peaceful and democratic manner, we have resolved to commence a hunger strike from February 28.
Our objective is to convey our demands without causing any disruption. We await a response from the Indian Government. This hunger strike will persist indefinitely. Despite ongoing dialogues with Tipra Motha over the past year, both at the Centre and state levels, the absence of a favorable outcome for the people of Tripura is disappointing. Pradyot Maharaja’s dismay over this situation has prompted grassroots leaders statewide to convene,” he elaborated.
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