Chasing her dreams to touch the sky, Pilot Urvi Agarwal, the former student of Bhavans Tripura Vidya Mandir (BTVM) is felicitated on Saturday. Urvi Agarwal is presently working with a reputed Airlines as the First Pilot Officer.
The Bhavans Tripura Vidya Mandir invited the former student and pilot Urvi Agarwal in the school’s morning assembly on Saturday, where the Principal Swapna Shome felicitated her and wished good luck for her future endeavours. The school acknowledged her success to inspire the students of the school.
Getting nostalgic with the visit to her former school, Urvi Agarwal thanked the Principal Swapna Shome and her teachers for moulding her to chase her dream of touching the sky. Urvi Agarwal, a pilot by profession, sets an inspiration for the rest of the students in the school.
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