The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Tripura has witnessed a surge in its membership as more than 675 voters enthusiastically joined the party during a recent joining program in Kalyanpur. Member of Parliament Rebati Tripura attributed this remarkable response to the impactful development initiatives spearheaded by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The event, graced by BJP General Secretary Bipin Debbarma, MLA Pinaki Das Chowdhury, and Minister Bikas Debbarma, saw a significant turnout of voters from 337 families, who had previously been associated with Tipra Motha and CPIM, making the switch to the BJP in Khowai district.
Highlighting the growing momentum of the BJP’s membership drive, Bipin Debbarma remarked, “Every day, more and more individuals, particularly from indigenous areas, are aligning themselves with the BJP. The overwhelming response we’ve received is a testament to the satisfaction people feel with PM Modi’s development initiatives.”
MP Rebati Tripura, speaking to reporters, emphasized the trust people place in PM Modi’s commitment to progress. “The BJP’s ideology resonates with the aspirations of the indigenous population, who have felt neglected by other political parties. Modi’s leadership has instilled hope and confidence among them, leading to a surge in BJP memberships across Tripura,” he stated.
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