Tripura Chief Minister Dr Manik Saha on Thursday claimed that the Government is working with transparency for overall Development of the State of Tripura. He said that his Government will never compromise on any form of Corruption, regardless of the person’s position.
Addressing the gathering of the ration dealers of the state in the function of the 26th state conference of the ration dealers’ association here at Agartala Arundhutinagar, Chief Minister said that the main work of the Government is to gain people’s trust, where there shall be no compromise with any kind of corruptions.
Meanwhile, the Chief Minister said that the government is committed to strengthen the Public Distribution System (PDS) to ensure better service to the people, especially those belonging to the poor section. He said that the ration dealers act as a bridge between the government and the people. Moving in line with the ideology of Prime Minister Modi, the Tripura government is working to ensure corruption free services to the last mile people of this state, he added.
If the Public Distribution System (PDS) functions effectively, it will help the government gain the support of the people, he said adding that the government will soon open more 51 ration shops across the state as was announced earlier. The Chief Minister however underlined the achievement of the government in PDS and said that the Government is committed to further strengthen the PDS for the benefit of the people.
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