Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi inaugurated the ‘India Energy Week 2024’ event in Goa on Tuesday, 6th February 2024. It is India’s largest and only all-encompassing Energy Exhibition and Conference, bringing together the entire energy value chain to catalyze India’s energy transition goals. Prime minister expressed delight that the event is taking place in the energetic state of Goa and said that it is the perfect Destination for a discussion on a sustainable future and sensitivity towards the environment. He expressed confidence that the foreign guests who have gathered in Goa for the ‘India Energy Week’ will take along a lifetime memory of the State.
The Prime Minister noted that India is the world’s third largest energy, oil and LPG consumer. He said that India is the fourth largest LNG importer and refiner along with the fourth largest automobile market. He also underlined rising demand of Electric Vehicles in the country. The Prime Minister mentioned about 11 Lakh Crore Rupees in the recent Budget pledged for infrastructure, a big part of which will go to the Energy sector.
Encouraging and fostering startups and integrating them into the energy value chain will be an important focus for India Energy Week 2024. It is expected to witness the participation of around 17 Energy ministers from different countries, 35,000 plus attendees and more than 900 exhibitors. It will have six dedicated Country pavilions – Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Russia, UK and the USA. A special ‘Make in India’ Pavilion initiative is also being organized to showcase innovative solutions which Indian MSMEs are spearheading in the Energy sector.
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